BMI at Bouwbeurs 2019 Utrecht
BMI is the new company after the merger of Icopal and Monier. Icopal is well known for their portfolio in flat roofs, whereas Monier has a strong reputation in tilted roofs. The objective for the project was to introduce the brand and build awareness at the Bouwbeurs, the most important bi-annual trade show for the construction industry.
We created a visitor journey starting with a teaser: ‘Win a trip to the Roof of the World’. This message was repeatedly being presented at billboards outside the building. At the stand, visitors were invited to participate in a Virtual Reality quiz. Challenge was to name all six roof types which the visitor was able to see in 360˚ in the VR goggles.
Out of all visitors who got the answers right, one winner was drawn to win a trip to the Himalaya in Nepal.
I traveled Holland and Belgium to produce 360˚ photographs of specific roof types, which I assembled in a VR presentation which was presented in the VR goggles at the show.
Commisioned by SixSense